Halloween was super fun with Ryder. He was pretty pumped to see any holiday stuff and he just assumed it was for "merry Christmas". We had to help him define between the holidays. He loved to see the witches and monsters in the store, and we had a couple episodes of being startled by them and running through the store screaming before mom could catch up.

A visit to the PUMPKIN PATCH :)

Ridin' the Cow Train at the Pumpkin Patch...
Ryder took a couple bites of the pumpkin pieces and chewed on them for a while. He kept going back for more, but spit it all out eventually.

Here's my monster pumpkin

TrIcK oR tReAt
trunk or treat video

we've been talking about the monster house and the witch house for a month so we had to go visit...a little scarier than he anticipated. :)

A very HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!
Ryder had fun making Halloween decorations...and wearing them :)

Very Very Cute. You guys are too cute :)