Do I have to wear these goggles? :(

We start with breakfast in the lodge, I didn't have time to do my hair this morning :)

I like to hangout on the patio and listen to the music...too many people watching me so I didn't want to dance today.

Finally Dad took a break to come give me a ride. ~snowboarding~ ~snowboarding2~

Mom follows me everywhere...she swears we walk 5 miles a day up there :)
I love to climb all the stairs, it's a little tough in my boots though.

I like to watch all the little kids ski on the bunny hill. The first week I was allowed to ride up the 'magic carpet' conveyor belt that gets all the kids to the top of the hill and then I would run down the hill. Now they say I'm too little and I am very sad...when is it my turn??

We were eating lunch in the lodge and I got a little crazy and spilled my mac n' cheese all over the floor and I shouted "OH NOOO!!!" Mom quickly said shhhhh and I held my little finger up to here lips and said shhh. She seemed to think that was hilarous :) Later someone stole my drink cup...Who steals from a baby??!!??
I like to dance to the live music in the lodge. Luckily the battery on the camera ran out before I really got into it...I got a little carried away :) Oh yea...and they give away free cookies in this place, if Mom doesn't watch closely I end up with one in each hand. ~dancing in the lodge~

I am 18 months now! That means I am old enough to go into the nursery class at church. I have been knocking at the door for a few months so when Mom opened the door I ran in and never looked back! My hair got a little messy...but other than that I came home happy with a noodle necklace :)

They are always feeding us treats in nursery, but I only like the chocolate ones.

How embarrassing...Mom thinks my bedhead is sooo

I am getting very clever at climbing and getting into things. Nothing is off limits to me as far as I am concerned :)