Winter is sometimes a little unpredictable around here. As you can see our winter pictures look like spring and our spring pictures look like winter. Either way I seem to have fun!
I like to go visit the duck pond behind the house... but sometimes I get a little too close to the edge.

My hair is getting longer and curlier everyday!

What is that bright thing in the sky!!??!! Even on our nice days we don't get a lot of sun so I didn't quite know what to think. Mom had to get my hat so my eyes would stop watering.
The nice thing about rain is that it leaves behind puddles!!


I am mostly interested in the other kids, but they are not that into me because I am so little :(

The one time mom decided to photograph me going down the slide I shot right off the end and landed on my bum! I gave her my best grumpy face and then bounced right back for some more.

When it starts to rain we have to stay inside a lot...but mom can only handle so much so we go to the mall play land to burn some energy. ~mall play-land~ ~mall play-land2~

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